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Meaning in English

Cycle 1 (Water Challenges)

Cycle Content

Week 1

  1. Writing Academic English:
    1. Part 2: Writing an Essay, Chapter 5 Chronological Order: Process Essays
    1. Part 3: Sentence Structure, Chapter 10: Types of Sentences
  1. Some online resources

Week 2

  1. New Hello:
    1. Literature: King Lear Act 1 (5 scenes)
  1. Some online resources

Week 3

  1. New Hello:
    1. Unit 1: Staying healthy
    1. Unit 2: Eating around the world
  1. Grammarway 4:
    1. Unit 5: Modal verbs
    1. Unit 3: Comparisons
  1. Some online resources

** All online resources can be found in the cycle file.

Cycle Vocabulary

Week 1

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
provisionتوفير(n. of provide)
contemplateتفكر / تأمل
fleeهرب / فر
demonstrationشرح / برهنة
runoffجريان المياه
sewageمياه المجاري
failsafe technologyتقنية آمنة من الفشل
perpetuatingيديم / يخلّد
sterileمعقم - عاقر

Session 2

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
aquiferطبقة المياه الجوفية
brineمحلول ملحي
confluenceالتقاء نهرين
drizzleرذاذ / قطرات
effluentتصريف (المياه)
impermeableغير منفذة
meanderتعرج / تلوى
slushطين - ثلج في مرحلة الذوبان
waterloggedمشبع بالمياه

Week 2

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
erosionتعرية / تآكل
weatheringالتجوية (التعرض لعوامل الجو)
wear awayto gradually disappear or to cause (something) to gradually disappear or become thinner, smaller, etc.erode
culpritمجرم / متهم
unsustainableغير مستدام
labor-intensiveصناعة ثقيلة (العمل الذي يتطلب عمالة كثيرة)
affluentغني - وافر
wash awayto carry (something) away by the movement of water
amplifyيضخم / يوسع / يبالغ
devastatingمدمر / مخرب
deforestationإزالة الغابات
integrityنزاهة - كمال
measuresإجراءات - مقاييس

Session 2

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
pursuingملاحقة / مطاردة
make punsيلعب بالكلام tell a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings
doodleرسم عابث
intriguingمثير للاهتمام

Week 3

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
techniqueتقنية / أسلوب
severeشديد / حاد
bystanderالمتفرغ (متفرج غير متدخل بشىء)
breathlesslyلاهثin a way that involves gasping for breath, typically due to exertion
pleadالترافع (في محكمة) - تضرعpresent and argue - make an emotional appeal
crisesمصائب(plural of crisis)
eminentبارز / مشهور / مرموق
psychosisهواسa severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality
streetwiseable to deal successfully with dangerous or difficult situations in big towns or cities where there is a lot of crime - reflective of modern urban life, especially that of urban youth
impatientقليل الصبر
inpatienta patient who stays for one or more nights in a hospital for treatment
psychiatricنفسيةrelating to mental illness or its treatment
agitatedمضطرب / منفعل
alleyزقاق / حارة
viciousوحشي / شرير
stereotypeالصورة النمطية
petrifyتحجر - تسمر في مكانه (من الخوف)
assaultيعتدي / يتهجم
rumorشائعة (إشاعة)a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth
disproportionatelyبشكل غير متناسب
perpetratorمرتكب الجريمةa person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act
mnemonica device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something
accreditationالاعتماد الاكاديمي
triage(in medical use) the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties
stigmaa visible sign or characteristic of a disease - a mark of disgrace or dishonor(plural: stigmas / stigmata)

Session 2

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
get togetherيتجمع / يلتقى
prepareيعد / يجهز
occasionمناسبة / فرصة
newfoundrecently discovered or established
teaseيضايق / يثير
primarilyفي المقام الأولfor the most partmainly
disrespectfulعديم الاحترام
unhygienicغير صحيnot clean or sanitary
cuisineالمطبخ (ليس المكان)a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment
every nook and corner [idiom]every place - every part of
slurpeat or drink (something) with a loud sloppy sucking noise
immenselyبشكل هائل
culinary(مطبخيّ)(of or for cooking)
assembleجمعية / تجمع
chopstickeach of a pair of small, thin, tapered sticks of wood, ivory, or plastic, held together in one hand and used as eating utensils, especially by the Chinese, the Japanese, and other people in eastern Asia
offensiveهجومي / عدواني - مهين
beverageشراب (غير الماء)a drink, especially one other than water
saucerصحن الفنجانa shallow dish, typically having a circular indentation in the center, on which a cup is placed
stirيقلّب (يمزج بالتحريك)
drumstickعصا الطبلa stick, typically with a shaped or padded head, used for beating a drum
customaryعرفي / معتاد
insultيسب / يهين

From Grammarway 4

Unit 5

Unit 3